Thursday, January 11, 2007

Rina's Scribe Post 01/11/07

Yesterday Mr.Harbeck gave us a blue book. And he told us to do page one. There was a question that he told us to do. It was number nine in our blue books on the first page. He told us to redraw question 9 on a piece of dotted paper. Here were the instructions he gave us...

1) Redraw question 9 on your scale.

2) Double the flag to make it twice the original size.

He aslo told us to color the shaded parts.

This is what we had for homework yesterday.

Then we corrected it in class.

Mr.Harbeck also told us to do another page for homework yesterday. Then we corrected it today. We did the second page of the blue paper.

sorry Mr.Harbeck. It'll take to long if I draw it... =) I'll just edit my scribe if I have time.

The next thing we had to do today was, Mr. Harbeck gave us 2 other pages to do for homework. He gave us some examples of how to solve the problems. For ex. One of the questions were

A. Give at least 4 names for what is shaded and show how you know it is right.

There were pictures and what we had to do was to give fractions.


And there were other questions.

And here's an example of question B

Then we had to finish the rest.

And the next thing we did was, the fourth page.
There was a scale number line and we had to answer the question which was..

Find as many equal fraction names for the fraction of the top to bottom lines. Use the spaces below each set of lines to show each of the names is correct.

That's all we did today. Oh yeah. The homework for today are pages 3 and 4 in the blue book.

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