Sunday, April 08, 2007

BOB ; Fractions

In this fraction unit, things weren't really difficult. As we were learning about the unit, there were some things that refreshed my memory and things that fixed some problems that I were having with no questions asked. One thing that gave me trouble were word problems. It confused me on when to multiply or divide on the problems. I still need some work on that and hope to find a more easier way to solve them. Also I did have trouble on drawing the pictures to compare on the problems, but when Mr. Harbeck explained it over and over again, started making sense to me.

On the un-project assignment, my partner was Jaymie. We made a slideshow on explaining "What Are Fractions??" First we made some pictures to explain our background information. Then we brainstormed some things on how to make our slide show perfect. It took us a lot of time to put it all together and it wasn't easy. We used every reference that would help us to put it all together.

I hope the next unit will be easy and not so confusing.

- Amy L.

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